Saturday, August 1, 2009


Hello! My name is Rachelle and I am creating this blog for several reasons. One, I have been researching health and nutrition for over 15 years now and would like to share what I have learned with those that may just be finding an interest in the topic. Perhaps you are finding yourself not well, or a family member has contracted a disease or illness, or you just simply want to live a healthier life now for preventative measures. Secondly, I have found myself ill over the past three years, due to Lyme Disease and am in an endless pursuit to regain my health back. I will not stop until my health is regained.

Prior to this illness, I thought that as long as I ate right, exercised, and basically took care of myself, I was safe from illness. Partly this is correct, however we also live in an environment where so many different factors can come into play that will have an effect on our health. We are bombarded by EMFs daily, our air, food, ground, water etc. are polluted as never before, and stress to name a few have a direct impact on our health. Although I have always been intrigued by alternative medicine/health, I have ramped up my studying of this field in light of my own health issues. My hope is that you can benefits from what I have learned throughout the years to help you too live a healthier, happier life!

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